Jumpstart stories with Nancy Agabian
Nancy Agabian, author of Me As Her Again, regularly facilitates months-long writing workshops in Queens, NY. She recently led an online...
LeAnne Howe wins MLA Prize for Choctalking on Other Realities
Today, the Modern Language Association of America announced LeAnne Howe as the winner of the first ever MLA Prize for Studies in Native...
West Coast book tour with Martha Shelley
Martha Shelley, author of Haggadah, will be in Portland, Oregon and multiple cities in California to read from her newest book, The Stars...
November events with ire’ne lara silva
ire’ne lara silva, author of flesh to bone has a number of exciting events in Texas this upcoming month. November 6: ire’ne will read at...
Upcoming Author Events in October: ire’ne lara silva
ire’ne lara silva, author of flesh to bone, has multiple events coming up in Austin, Texas this month. Make sure to check out these...
RADAR Presents Sister Spit, Co-Sponsored by Aunt Lute Books
San Francisco is beginning to tremble in anticipation for Litquake. This year’s Litquake spans October 10-18, ending with Lit Crawl, a...
Scott-Coe facilitates Inlandia Institute writing workshop series
Scott-Coe, author of Teacher at Point Blank, will lead a series of writing workshops through the month of November at Riverside Public...
Jo Scott-Coe joins 100 Thousand Poets for Change
Jo Scott-Coe, author of Teacher at Point Blank, is reading tomorrow morning at the dA Center for the Arts in Pomona, CA as part of 100...
Fall 2014 Event Series with LeAnne Howe: Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Fall 2014 Event Series with LeAnne Howe a success! We would like to extend a special thanks to...
Check out LeAnne Howe’s radio interview with Native America Calling
LeAnne Howe will be featured in a live on-air interview with Native America Calling, described as a “national electronic talking circle”...