News & Notes 7/31/18
Upcoming Event: Juliana Delgado Lopera On August 2, 2018 Juliana Delgado Lopera (¡Cuéntamelo! Oral Histories by LGBT Latino Immigrants),...

LeAnne Howe recipient of WLA award for Choctalking on Other Realities
LeAnne Howe is the recipient of Western Literature Association’s 2015 Distinguished Achievement Award for Choctalking on Other Realities!...

LeAnne Howe wins MLA Prize for Choctalking on Other Realities
Today, the Modern Language Association of America announced LeAnne Howe as the winner of the first ever MLA Prize for Studies in Native...
Fall 2014 Event Series with LeAnne Howe: Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Fall 2014 Event Series with LeAnne Howe a success! We would like to extend a special thanks to...
Check out LeAnne Howe’s radio interview with Native America Calling
LeAnne Howe will be featured in a live on-air interview with Native America Calling, described as a “national electronic talking circle”...
Joy Harjo and Dean Rader to read at Litquake
LitQuake, San Francisco’s annual literary festival, is in full swing! Joy Harjo, whose writing is featured in The Aunt Lute Anthology of...
Oklahoma Welcomes LeAnne Howe Home for American Indian Award
The Ada Evening News, Tulsa World, and other Oklahoma news outlets celebrated LeAnne Howe’s homecoming to receive the Tulsa Library...
LeAnne Howe Working on New Novel as a Fulbright Scholar in Amman, Jordan
While many of are following the news in Middle East unfold our TV and computer screens, LeAnne Howe, author of Shell Shaker and Miko...
LeAnne Howe Selected Richard Hoggart Lecture Series in Literature Author
LeAnne Howe has been selected to read and discuss her work as part of the Richard Hoggart Lecture Series at Goldsmith University of...