Aunt Lute Books is thrilled to announce the publication of upcoming titles from Kathya Alexander and Michele Tracy Berger.
Kathya Alexander’s novel-in-verse, title to be determined, is a coming of age tale set during the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century. Readers will follow 12-year old Mandy and her mother, Belle, as they both experience the extraordinary events of the Civil Rights Movement, finding strength, fearlessness, and faith along the way. This beautifully lyrical novel will stick with you.
“Doll Seed, and Other Stories” by Michele Tracy Berger is a delicately wrought collection of speculative short fiction. The stories span horror, fantasy, science fiction, and magical realism, but are always grounded in very real characters and beautifully rendered, distinctive communities. Thematically linked often by the lives of women and girls, especially women of color and their experiences of vulnerability and outsider status, these stories are playful and provocative. Marisol, an aspiring jewelry artist is haunted by a fast food icon. Chevella, a doll, finds herself in 1950s America playing a key role in the Civil Rights Movement. A meat grinder appears in a magical forest and chaos ensues. All this and more.
Kathya Alexander is a writer, playwright, storyteller, and teaching artist. She was a Writer-in-Residence at the prestigious Hedgebrook Women Writers Retreat and won the Fringe First Award for “Black to My Roots: African American Tales from the Head and the Heart” at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Edinburgh, Scotland for Outstanding New Production and Innovation in Theater. She has also won awards from 4Culture, Seattle’s Office of Arts and Culture, Artist Trust, Jack Straw, Seattle Theater Group, Freehold Theater, and Seattle Parks and Recreation.
Michele Tracy Berger is the Eric and Jane Nord Family Professor in the Department of Religious Studies and director of the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University. Her short fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction has appeared, or is forthcoming in 100 Word Story, Apex Magazine, Glint Literary Journal, The Wild Word, Thing Magazine, Blood and Bourbon, FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, Oracle: Fine Arts Review, Carolina Woman, Ms., and various anthologies. She is the 2019 winner of the Carl Brandon Kindred Award from the Carl Brandon Society for her story "Doll Seed" published in FIYAH: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction. Much of her work explores psychological horror, especially through issues of race and gender.
Both titles are expected to publish in the next 12 months, and we will share more information on release dates and pre-orders soon.
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