Tune in to KALW Thursday Oct. 19 at 11am (PT) or KQED at 11pm (PT) to hear 1A discuss Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La Frontera, the book that changed the borderlands. The show will explore how this author’s work has been integrated into the Chicana and feminist literary canon and how, 30 years later, it has affected women and artists around the country.
Invited guests:
AnaLouise Keating Professor and Director of the Multicultural Woman’s and Gender Studies Doctoral Program, Texas Woman’s University ;Gloria Anzaldua's Literary Trustee; @ALKeating
Angelica Becerra Ph.D Candidate in Chicano and Chicana Studies, UCLA; Co-host of the podcast Anzalduing It
Jessica Helen Lopez Albuquerque Poet Laureate, Emeritus; Adjunct Professor, University of New Mexico's Chicano/a Studies Department
Maria Federico Brummer Director of Mexican American Student Services; Tucson Unified School District