Our night of poetry was a packed event! We filled the room and even had to pull out extra chairs to accommodate all our guests. The night began with readings by emerging writers from Dan Vera and Kim Shuck’s afternoon workshop, which was held earlier that day. The evening continued with readings by Imaniman poets reflecting on fronteras, identity, art, and Gloria Anzaldúa’s poetry and writing.

Throughout the event, guests enjoyed appetizers and beverages from La Mediterranée and Rainbow Grocery.

After the readings, Aunt Lute staff member Maya Sisneros facilitated a panel discussion between our featured poets: Tomas Moniz, Suzy de Jesus Huerta, Adela Najarro, Dan Vera, and Kim Shuck. Once the discussion ended, guests bought copies of Imaniman, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, and Borderlands mugs.

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who made this event possible. Thank you to Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts for providing the space for this event. Thank you to Rainbow Grocery for the generous donation toward our refreshments. Thank you to all attendees who donated to Aunt Lute Books at this event. Finally, thank you to our panelists for taking the time to share their poetry and reflections on Gloria Anzaldúa’s impact on their lives. From left to right in the photo above we have Tomas Moniz, Suzy de Jesus Huerta, Adela Najarro, Dan Vera, and Kim Shuck.
If you missed the event, be sure to check out our social media platforms for snippets from the night. We made sure to capture the magic on our FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. With that, thank you again to everyone that made Imaniman: A Night of Poetry possible. We look forward to seeing you all again at our next event!